How my journey Began

I began hiking national parks on a trip to Seattle. My buddy, Kiger, and I decided to visit Olympic National Park because it was close by. We camped on Second Beach on the Olympic peninsula and when we awoke from our tents, we found ourselves surrounded by tide pools full of ocean life. It was a surreal and beautiful experience. When we returned to our hometown of Columbus Ohio, we couldn't stop talking about how awesome it was. Naturally, we began looking at the other parks, wondering what magic might lay in store for us if we visited them. Soon after, we visited Cuyahoga Valley, Zion, and the Smoky Mountains, having unforgettable and unique experiences at all of them. We became determined to hike every national park in the country. Along the way, my snapshot cellphone photos began to become more involved. I started thinking about composition and lighting. I invested in a refurbished Nikon D3400. Then I bought a used camera lens. I realized that I loved hiking and taking these photos. After every park we visited, I was already thinking about the next one, about the things we would see and do and how I could capture them best. Now I'm fully committed to my journey and loving every minute of it. I hope you enjoy browsing through my experience.

photos from second beach in olympic